I was first introduced to engineering and architecture during a trip I took to
Singapore. I visited many of the country's defining landmarks, such as The Cloud Forest and Gardens by
the Bay, which showcased seamless integration of structural integrity and architectural composition. This
experience made me appreciate the balance between form and function when it comes to designing.
Since then, I have pursued Building Science, an interdisciplinary area of study that incorporates
aspects of both engineering and architecture. Through studio classes, I have learned to bring a
technical perspective into the creative space. By understanding both engineering and architecture,
I have also learned how to showcase the system and beauty to projects.
Recently, I have been exploring BIM, 3D modeling, and computational design. I am fascinated by the use of software as an asset
to organize entire consturction and architecture projects to help develop the physical world. Moving forward, I hope to
bring all disciplines to the project and contribute to industry initiatives, such as sustainable design.